Chief Petty Officer Scholarship

• 2 – $5,000 MCPON Scholarships are awarded each year in honor of MCPON Thomas Crow and Co-Founder,
MCPON Robert J. Walker To learn more about these SPECIAL SCHOLARSHIPS and the Sailors they honor, view online.
• ~20 TO 50 – $2,000 Scholarships are also awarded each year. This number is determined solely by the financial status of the fund.
The Chief Petty Officer Scholarship Fund is a 501©(3) non-profit public charity dependent entirely upon tax deductible donations to support its education “Gift of Knowledge”.


April 1, 2025

Candidates submitting scholarship applications must, in the year of submission of their scholarship application:
• possess a GED, be a graduating high school senior or a high school graduate intending to enter, or an undergraduate student currently enrolled in an accredited and degree granting institution of higher learning, including post-secondary Vocational Institutions
• must be a dependent child (natural or adopted), step-child, or a non-uniformed spouse (registered in DEERS) of a US Navy Active Duty, Retired, Honorably Discharged, Reserve or deceased Chief, Senior Chief, or Master Chief Petty Officer of the United States Navy
Note: Students selected to schools under full scholarship will not be eligible for this scholarship.
Students selected to attend military service academies including the Merchant Marines or enlisted in the Reserves or on Active Duty are not eligible.
