Nicolet Law Scholarship

At Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, we value the importance of education. We understand the time and dedication it takes to earn an undergraduate and graduate degree. We also understand the tremendous financial strain that college can place on students and their families. In an effort to alleviate some of that financial stress, we have proudly offered the Nicolet Law Scholarship since 2020.

The application is open year-round. Each year, one winner is selected for the Spring semester, and one winner is selected for the Fall semester.


June 1, 2024
Please view the eligibility requirements below. Submissions that do not meet the eligibility requirements will not be considered.

Past applicants and winners may apply for the scholarship more than once.
Must be a current or future full-time undergrad or graduate student at any two- or four-year accredited US college or university.
Must be in good academic standing.
If selected to receive scholarship, must provide a transcript, acceptance letter, or other proof of enrollment.
If under the age of 18, must provide written permission from parent or guardian.
Submission Rules
Video essay uploaded to YouTube either Unlisted or Public (so that a shareable link is available).
Video essay is at least 5 minutes and doesn’t exceed 8 minutes.
Video essay provides a creative, original, and compelling response to a prompt below.
Video essay includes your name, the name of your institution, and area(s) or intended area(s) of study.
